Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 Random Things

I don't think I am interesting enough to come up with 25 things about me- let's see.

1. I absolutely adore Pepsi. However, I haven't had one for over 3 weeks- this butt has to get smaller somehow. I actually think that they should invent a Pepsi shot that when you need it- I mean REALLY need it- you can just shoot it up.
2. I have the coolest freakin friends in the world. They range everywhere from New York to Texas, to Alaska, but I know that if I ever needed them- everyone one of them would be there for me.
3. I'm addicted to Jazzercise- I hate to miss.
4. My kids make me laugh every day. I don't know where they learn the stuff that they do, but they're hilarious.
5. I pray everyday for the strength and knowledge to know how to best help my Mr. Wyatt to grow and improve. Then I pray for patience with Livvy :).
6. I have horrendous pregnancies. I throw up 5-10 times a day for the first 6 months and then I get huge stretch marks with blisters on them. It's pure torture.
7. My toes are frozen solid every night when I get in bed- my poor toasty husband.
8. I am a worry wart. I worry about everything including if my kids got enough vegetables that day to if we have enough life insurance.
9. I secretly want another baby- like pronto.
10. I love being back in touch with so many people from high school and college via Facebook and blogs- I love knowing what everyone's lives are like.
11. I love pepper jack cheese.
12. I drive a suburban and I only have 2 kids. But I fill it up with stuff that we use and luggage whenever we go everywhere. And I love that when I go places with family or friends we can all pile in my 'Burb and go together.
13. I love my in-laws. They are all so fun and since we lived in Tremonton for three years I became so close to them and spent so much time with all of them.
14.One of my all time favorite memories is dancing in the rain like a crazy woman- with my roommies in college.
15. I loved Girls' Camp. Given the choice I would have that calling right now.
16. My current calling is Relief Society pianist- how freakin great is that?
17. I am a total cryer. I cry when I'm happy, stressed, tired, grumpy, mad, sentimental- you name it- I bawl.
18. The number one thing that makes me cry and that I appreciate more than anything is people who love Wyatt (almost everyone I know) but who notice his progress or notice the really special things that make him the coolest kid I know. It's awesome to know that I'm not the only one who notices those things.
19. I love dressing Livvy up. She's like my life-size Barbie. I love trying new hairstyles on her, buying her clothes, bows, bracelets. It's my obsession.
20. My middle name is Louise. My grandmother's name is Louise, and Livvy's middle name is Louise. In my family we are called the three 'Weaz's' which is also what my nickname was through junior high and high school.
21. The top three things I would change about me- thicker hair, smaller boobs, and eyebrows that I never had to pluck.
22. I can speed read- If I am into a book I can put it away like nobody's business. So I love sites like and the library that let me read my favorite books cheaply.
23. I also love my 'smut'. I love to read the tabloid magazines and the crappy chick shows on tv. My current faves are Grey's Anatomy, Army Wives, Private Practice, Jon & Kate plus 8, One Tree Hill, The Hills, Desperate Housewives......I don't want to name anymore because I know you're all thinking- is that all she does is watch tv?.......Shut up.
24. I love my business. It's slowing down right now because of the economy, but it still gives me motivation to learn new things and dedication to growing it. When I get my checks every month I feel like I'm a success- I don't know why I don't get that from dishes and laundry....
25. Shelby is my favorite thing. I can't believe that there is a person out there that is so polar opposite to me, but we fit. He keeps me grounded and sane. He makes me laugh- He's the best dad and best of all - he's a Kick-A kisser :)



hi Dallas,
That was a fun post! Now I finally found out where 'Weaz' came from ;)Never knew...
You also inspired me to write more often, I always think 'who would read my blogs' but just like you, I am always interested in other people's blogs, so I will try harder myself as well from now on!
Love, Rosanna
ps; I totally agree with you on the tv shows, love them all too!!!

Justin, Amy, and Grace

I love all of your randomness! I can't believe you've gone so long without a pepsi...good job. Oh, and I totally think you should have a baby, like pronto :) Livvy needs to have a little baby brother or sister to cuddle.

Austin and Amber

I agree with Amy! You need to have another baby, like pronto. Crew needs a buddy close to his age!!!!!! Get on that would ya?!