Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wyatt and the Developmental Pediatrician

We headed to Salt Lake on Monday for Wyatt's appointment with a Developmental Pediatric Specialist at the University of Utah. We didn't have any breakthroughs, but I didn't expect any. Mostly we ended up with a great plan going forward and confirmation that what we've done in the past and are currently doing was all that we could do for Wyatt.

1) Wyatt's problems probably stem from his genetics. However, she recommended that we wait 5 or 10 years to get his genetics tested and evaluated because that information isn't of real value to us until Wyatt is ready to have his own children.

2) She recommended that we have him psychologically evaluated by both the school district and a private psychologist to determine the gaps in between what he can do and what he is doing, but thought we should wait a year to do it. It will also help determine the various learning disabilities that she suspects that he has and give tips for his future teachers and us on how to help him learn best.

3) She agreed with me that Wyatt stay home for another year and continue with his preschool, speech therapy, and occupational therapy and then go to kidnergarten next year.

4) She also said that there was a chance that when he does get his evaluation next year he may be diagnosed as PDD-NOS (Pervasive Development Disorder- Not Otherwise Specified) which really means that he is at the very top of the Autism spectrum and they really don't have another classification for children like him. However, she said that if he did fall in this category he would be one of the most mildly autistic children she'd ever seen get that label. For the Wikipedia definition click here.

So, overall, lots of good information. It felt good to hear that all of the things medically, educationally, and at home that we've done have been right on. We'll just press forward for a year and see how much progress we can make and then plan for the testing in a year from now.



Dallas, you really are an incredible mother. I am so impressed with how you have taken on the challenges you have had with Wyatt and helped him in every way possible. He's sure lucky to have you. Good luck in the next year.


Wow that must feel so good to have that over with! No one likes those kinds of appointments...and all in all you are doing everything right! You are SO good at knowing what he needs, and now you know for sure you can follow your instincts and heavenly father will guide you in helping him. He is a great little boy with such a special spirit, it's very easy to see that and feel that when you're around him. I hope you continue to find out more ways to help him and find comfort in your efforts to be a good mom. Believe me Dallas when I say he is a great kid that is very lucky that you're his mommy.

JD and Jalyn

Your really a neat family. Everyone is so patient with Wyatt and he is so sweet! Glad you feel good about what you got from the appointment. That's what you need. Your so sweet and patient. You seem so on top of everything. Your an example to the rest of us!


I'm not really sure what you have done so far but my daughter was also diagnosed as mildly autistic. We did a complete overhaul of her diet, took out artificial colors, flavors and preservatives following the Feingold program and that has helped her tremendously...not sure if you are into that sort of thing but I figured I would throw it out there because she benefited so much.



It is good that you went! We took Riley to the Mayo Clinic two years ago and even though we didn't learn anything new about him we were still happy that we went because we know we are doing everything to help him have a better life! That is all we can do I guess. I hope that things go forward from here for you though!