Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lately I'm Tagalicious!

I had to take pictures of 1. kitchen sink 2. my favorite room 3. fridge 4. closet 5. laundry room 6. self portrait 7. kids 8. dream vacation 9. favorite shoes 10. the bathroom WITH NO CLEANING OR MAKING BEAUTIFUL. Scary.
So here goes:

I love our Living Room. It's huge so the kids can run and play and my hideous blue carpet hides dirt pretty well. Please don't notice the pile of toilet paper on the couch. Wyatt decided it would be fun to throw the roll like a ball today. The result is the pile that gets to sit on the couch until I've wiped enough noses. It'll probably be gone by the end of the day :). I know it looks full, but there's really nothing good to eat in there...... My everything hall closet. Everything that doesn't have a real home lives here. You'll see my sheets here, my beach towels, games, my canning that can't fit in the pantry, coolers, suitcases, you name it- it's here.
My laundry room. Complete with some trash that Shelby needs to take out. By the way, this is the third picture that has had a huge ball in it. That's the story of my life- they are EVERYWHERE! Thank you Grandma Wendy.
Aren't I beautiful? The puckered face is supposed to distract you from the fact that I have no makeup on. I doesn't work.
Right here is supposed to be a picture of my kids. However, they are both asleep at the moment and I refuse to wake them up to take their picture.

This is my dream vacation. It's kinda a crappy picture, but that's okay because I don't really know where it is. Just a beautiful secluded white beach with the ocean and hopefully Shelby and a private hut nearby.

I couldnt' decide on my favorite shoes. The first ones are my fave church shoes, then my favorite 'I feel hot boots', my fave sandals, and my fave everday boots.

My bathroom. This is very careful camera maneuvering.

I now tag Molly, Hailey, Amy and Lori.



Fun post! I miss you tons!


Hey Dallas, did you mean you tagged me again? If you did, I bet it because you want me to fret over which pair of shoes are my favorite huh! I'll do it!


Your house is way too clean!! I am so afraid of this tag, just because I know it will be when my house is a huge mess!