Thursday, September 17, 2009

A boy and his dog...

Shelby was able to get a great deal on this sweet little yellow lab puppy this last week. Since our lovable old lab had to be put to sleep last fall, we've been looking for another. This little guy was the lucky one! Wyatt loves him to pieces and is trying to teach him not to bite or jump up on his sister- who absolutely does not like that. Livvy is trying to learn not to freak out when the puppy chases her :). Wyatt promptly named him 'Bolt' and although I tried to talk him into 'Tonto' thinking then he would quit trying to name my baby that, there was no compromising. So Bolt it is. Welcome to the family sweet puppy!



I am soooo Jealous!!! I have been wanting a lab puppy for so long. I just don't think it would do so well in our little apartment.. Maybe one day when we get a house! He is so stinkin cute, and so are the kids!!

Justin, Amy, and Grace

He's adorable. I'm a sucker for puppies. But then they grow up... and so do their messes.

Brooke Colvin

What a cute little puppy! Ironically, we just got a puppy a few days ago too! How weird is that? I have never had a dog before, but I am loving it so far, and it is so fun for the kids. I loved the video with Bolt and Wyatt. So sweet!

And hooray for preschool! How fun for both of them. Hope your pregnancy is going well by the way :)