Happy 29th Birthday Shelby! I have been telling everyone all week that he is turning 30 just to drive him crazy, but he cannot be ruffled. So I am setting the facts straight- he is really only 29! There that should make him feel young :) Here is a little bit of info about my hubby:
What are his hobbies? Bow hunting, trapping, riding his four-wheeler, working on old crappy trucks, snowmobiling, breaking colts, and more....I can't actually list them all- he has more hobbies than anyone else I know.
Occupation: He is currently working for our family company C Turner Inc. as a manufacturing engineer and hopefully will take it over one day as a partnership with my brother Austin.
My first impression of him: I knew from the moment that I met Shelby that he was the one I was going to marry. I met him at Country Dancing night up at the college and my brother had been trying to get me to meet him for weeks. His hot blue eyes and rippling muscles totally did it for me. I went home and announced to all my roommates that I would be marry this guy......and I did. Mission Accomplished.
My favorite things about him:
He refuses to fight with me. No matter how grumpy I might be, he always remains calm.
He loves to spend time with his kids. It doesn't matter what we are doing, Shelby can make it so fun for the kids. He truly enjoys spending time with them and is always happy to take them wherever he is going or let them help him.
He is so handy! He can build just about anything or fix whatever is broken. I LOVE not having to call a repairman or take my car into the shop. I have my own handsome repairman at home.
He would rather spend time with me. Shelby is slightly anti-social :) and sometimes it drives me crazy (as I am NOT), but it is really nice to know that given the option, he would always rather go on a date with just me, or stay home and hang out with kids.
He is one of the hardest workers I know. It doesn't matter how many hours he has to put in or what kind of task he has to do, he will do it to the best of his ability.
He loves me and only me. He makes me feel beautiful and loved every day. I can't think of anything better.