Monday, December 19, 2011
Gingerbread love
We sure had a blast on our annual Gingerbread house FHE. Ike was even serious about it this year. He loved it as much as the big kids.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Ikers is 2
Ike turned 2 and went overnight from being my sweet baby to a holy terror. He likes to watch Baby Einstein sprawled out on the floor and wants everyone to do what he says NOW! But we sure have so much fun with him. We took him to Hop 2 it for his birthday and then had a family party as well. This kid is so fun!
Livvy is so cool
She learned how to tie her shoes today and is so excited that she can't stand it. AND she has her first loose tooth. She is growing up so fast.
We had a super fun Halloween this year with a black Spiderman, a witch, and a giraffe ( but don't tell Ike that he was a giraffe. I only got him in the costume by telling him that he was a horse. What a stubborn stinker!)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
First sentence
It was opening weekend of Bow Hunting here so I was a hunting widow this weekend. I bought some Shasta on sale for the kids while Shelby was gone. Friday night- Ike said his first complete sentence:
'More Pop Please'
yep- You can award me the 'Mom of the Year' Award at any time.
Note: His second sentence was 'Love U Mommy'
Monday, August 29, 2011
Livvy Hearts Donuts
Livvy loves to make cards. She made a beautiful one the other day with a large chocolate donut colored on the front. She asked me how to spell donut and then kept working on her card for several minutes. Finally she brought it to show to me and said 'Mom! Look what I wrote! I sounded it out all by myself!'
It read:
Donuts are delicious
Love it.
Wyatt's Fashion Sense
I came home from Afton's Bachelorette Party tonight (total blast!) to tuck my kiddos into bed. I was wearing a thick 'fashion' belt. Wyatt gave me a hug and said 'Night Mom' and started to walk away- then turned and said 'Wow Mom- nice Power Morpher you have on!' Apparently, my belt is all the rage amongst the Power Rangers. Who knew I was so cool?
Sunday, July 3, 2011
The girl I'm going to marry
I swear the best conversations in this house all happen while I'm flipping pancakes :). Shelby's little brother Shane is getting married this August- so there has been lots of wedding talk going on around here lately. Wyatt was telling me all about the girl that he is going to marry someday- She is going to be oh so nice. She is going to have blonde hair and blue eyes.....and I will really like her because she is going to be fun and beautiful.
Out of living room---Shelby says-'Wyatt! You don't want to marry those blonde girls with blue eyes.....they're crazy!'
Thanks a lot honey. :0)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Oh! That's what the monster wants....
Ikers is learning to communicate- and it is GLORIOUS! It's so nice to start hearing bits and pieces of what he wants instead of screams.
He can sign:
He can say:
Sissy (this is my favorite- He loves his sissy something fierce. And really she is responsible for all the words he can say because she is constantly 'teaching' him new words.)
RanMa (Grandma)
He is a master of sounds- he makes some realistic animal sounds- and is obsessed with motorcycles, 4-wheelers, and cars. We hear 'vrrrrroooom, vrooooom' around the house all day.
Sometimes I get busy with my 3 munchkins and forget to write down the little details. These are the things I will regret. So here is a snapshot of my little Ikers at 19 months.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
What I hear from the kitchen
While flipping pancakes this morning, I heard this from the living room:
Wyatt: Good morning Dad. What are you doing?
Shelby: Ssshhh...come here Wyatt. Livvy and I are watching My Little Ponies.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Livvy- Ballerina is her name
Livvy had her very first dance recital last Saturday. She has been working so hard to learn her dances and is so proud of all of the dance steps she learns. I had so much fun curling her hair, glittering her up, makeup- you name it. Girls are fun. They had roses for sale at the recital and both Grandma's spoiled her to pieces. Here's a peak of our sweet ballerina:
I got to travel to Boise and see Wicked with Bridget, Ashlee and JayCee. We had such a fun girls' night- and I LOVED the show. I was glued to my binoculars the entire time. I highly recommend it if you get the chance to see it. The music was amazing, costume were so intricate and don't get me started on the scene changes......the thespian in me loved it.
Playin in the mud
Grandma Turner gave Ikers his first pair of mud boots. He LOVES them. He especially loves being able to go outside with his Dad. Notice Wyatt's Power Ranger suit. He wears them constantly. And they are pretty good for the rainy weather- they are waterproof after all.

Rockets of Fun
Remember the rocket Wyatt got for his birthday? We had a few more rocket motors (is that the right term?) to use up. Livvy was dying for her turn to blast it off. So one Sunday afternoon- we headed to the backyard for some 'blast-offs'. Please notice Livvy and Shelby's attire in the picture below. Now I know where she gets her fashion sense :) Don't you love the black socks with shorts and the mis-matched pink tights?
Easter......yeah it was a while ago. Give me a break. I have no excuses. Just life!
We had the traditional Turner grandkid Easter Egg hunt- with enough eggs and candy for an army :). The weather wasn't really cooperating, so we hid all the eggs and candy under the big shed. Aren't all of these grandkids so dang cute?
They had so much fun- I'm pretty sure Livvy won. She is sooo darn competitive!
Ike found a sucker first- and that's all he wanted to do. Mama had to coax him to pick up some more eggs before I finally let him just eat it.
We also took the kids to the annual town Easter egg hunt. Ike couldn't get the eggs open fast enough.
We made cute rice krispie treat nests with Peeps in them with Grandma Wendy- the kiddos loved them.
Happy Easter 2011!
Scoffield Mini-Reunion
The Scoffield family decided to have a little mini-reunion at our house this spring. Shelby's parents, brothers, and their spouses (fiance) came for the weekend. The boys had a blast going on 4-wheeler rides, shooting all the rock chucks they wanted, and eating lots of good food. We had a hot dog roast and explored some caves, went bowling, and played the Wii. The men in Shelby's family are not ones who normally get up and boogie- so I snuck a few pictures of them doing the Just Dance on the Wii. It was great laughs. Livvy loved to dance too- they all convinced her that she was winning every time. To this day- she thinks she slaughtered them all at dancing :). She was a dang good bowler though- as you can see from the video below. She is a competitive little turkey.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
I haven't posted a real update on Wyatt for quite a while and I keep having so many of you ask me how he is doing- thanks for the concern- I seriously have the best friends and family! So I decided that I'd let you all know the changes that we have been doing in the last 6-8 months or so.
This year Wyatt started kindergarten. I was a wreck all summer and the first month or so as I was so worried about how he would cope, how the other kids would accept him, if he would be able to keep up, on and on...... Just thinking about it very nearly gave me an anxiety attack. '''Deeep Breaths''' :) Right around that time we started taking Wyatt to have an extra hour of Occupational Therapy once a week in Twin- on Fridays when he is out of school. He LOVES it. He loves the swings, the therapists, the fun activities, the zip line- yeah- this place rocks. They recommended all types of therapy activities that I could do at home with Wyatt to help with homework, settling him down when needed- so helpful! They recommended that we start- The Listening Program with Wyatt to help not only with his auditory sensitivities, but also many of his other sensory issues. He listens to this special classical music for 15 minutes every weekday on a strict schedule. It has helped his auditory sensitivities a ton and I've seen a big difference in his ability to calm himself as well.
In January we also started seeing a Chiropractic Neurologist in Burley that is doing 'Brain Balance Therapy' on Wyatt. He does various muscle and coordination tests to see which side of Wyatt's brain needs to be stimulated and then each time we go- weekly or bi-weekly- he gives us a new activity to do. A few of these are- we vibrate the left side of his body morning and night, put peppermint smells on the right side of his face morning and night, re-taught him how to cross crawl correctly and then do it backwards and around obstacles, put together 3-D puzzles, pick items out of a bag without looking- lots of fun things that add up to hours and hours. But Wyatt never complains (or I should say-rarely complains :) and works so hard. He also is taking a Krill oil supplement (thanks all those that emailed me the info on this supplement)
He also recently started doing Developmental Therapy to help him with his social skills and some more self-help skills. It's a big time requirement, but luckily his Aunt Afton helps his mommy stay home with the other kiddos while she takes him to Twin two days a week while she goes to college. Thanks sis!
The reason for the update- I just had Wyatt's final Parent/Teacher Conference for the year. As always, I was worried and my stomach was in knots. Honestly- you just never know! Now I do homework with Wyatt every night (well Daddy helps out a few nights a week) so I know what he can do, but sometimes that does not always display so well at school. My jaw dropped at his report card- he was 'above grade level' in almost every aspect! He was still struggling a bit with fine motor skills and managing himself in class participation- but I was thrilled. At the beginning of the year, I remember thinking that if he could just write his name, I would be ecstatic. Guess what? He can write both his first and last name and just about any other word you help him sound out. He is much better about coloring in the lines- and you should hear this kid read!!!
I am also sooo incredibly blessed to have many good friends in Gooding with kids Wyatt's age. They are so great with Wyatt- they are truly his friends and love him exactly how he is. Children are amazing and are truly more Christ-like than the rest of us. They see past flaws and imperfections and accept those around them for who they are.
My Wyatt is a miracle to me. I am always proud of him- even when he struggles- because I know how hard he tries, how hard he works, how much he wants to be a good boy and please those around him. I know that his was a long post- but now hopefully all the fam and friends that want the details- have them. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers about my Wy-guy- I know that he worms his way into people's hearts- and for that I am truly grateful.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
The Menace
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Livvy's Birthday Adventure- Real Mermaids!
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